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Light Language

The Full Story

My Light Language Journey 

I first received light language during an acupuncture treatment. While I laid on the table with needles in me, I started speaking in a different tongue, only it wasn't foreign. It felt like the most familiar language I had ever spoken. It happened again the next day during meditation. After that, light language started pouring out of me during my daily meditations, while on walks, and driving in the car. I was skeptical at first, thinking maybe I had lost my marbles, but when I told a friend about it, she offered to listen to me speak. We got on the phone and as soon as I started speaking the light language, she started weeping. I began to receive images and messages for her and our time together turned into a beautiful channeled session. 

I started channeling it to my clients in healing sessions, which added a new depth to the healing taking place. Sometimes people experience very emotional reactions. Sometimes people have visions. Most often, there is a feeling that the language is familiar on a soul level. When these ancient codes channel through it is as if the vibrations literally encompass the entire energy field of the person and even the space around us. It is to be experienced to be truly understood.


I believe this gift from Spirit is meant to bless and heal those who are open to receive it. It can heal generation and ancestral trauma, clear stuck energy, provide insight, protect against negative energies, and bring in a higher vibration of love and light. I am honored to be a channel for divine love and have the opportunity to share this gift. 


What is Light Language? 

Light language is a channeled multidimensional language which brings sound and energy from spirit into the physical. It is a form of sound healing that can help us connect with higher realms of consciousness. It can be expressed through the voice (singing/toning/chanting/speaking), hands (writing/drawing) or body (movement/intuitive hand gestures). Light language communicates to the soul. It is not something you have to understand with the human mind, it is rather something you feel deep inside of your heart. It brings through powerful vibrations that support us to process shifts in consciousness, release deeply held blockages and bring us in touch with our truth. It is here to awaken and activate. It is here to assist in the ascension process to raise the consciousness of humanity. It is truly one of the most powerful healing tools I have experienced and I am grateful to share it with others.

Megan is truly a gift to humanity. She has this amazing gift to channel light language from the angelic beings.

This was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I could feel the love coming through her words she was channeling from the angels.
I have heard of light language before,but I had no idea how profound the experience is!
As Megan channeled light language I could feel this energetic healing taking place in my broken heart, throat, and mind. It felt like a clearing of old stories that were not true. These stories were keeping me stuck in my head.

This experience brought me deeper into my heart than I have ever felt.
Her words were energetically going into my heart and healing my sadness and the stories I thought were real. At the end of our time together I felt so clear and alive again. Her messages were what I have been needing to hear. I feel like I can breathe a new light in my heart.
I HIGHLY recommend booking an appointment with Megan!
Megan is truly a magical unique gift who can heal wounds trapped in your subconscious.

- Christina L.

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