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Since I was a child, I have felt like I didn't fit in. I knew things but couldn’t explain how I knew them. I felt things but couldn’t explain why I felt them. I could feel what was going on in someone else’s body. I could sense the energy of room, when someone was lying, and often felt more connected to the unseen than the seen. I didn’t have the tools or language to handle my sensitivities and in turn, developed an eating disorder.


In 2009, I began teaching yoga which led me to studying with various healers and learning about energy healing, channeling, mediumship, animal communication, past lives, and the gift of being led by your intuition. 


After a string of bad relationships, I began to heal my trauma and issues from childhood that were keeping me small and in low self-worth behaviors using the gifts of energy healing, channeling, connecting to Spirit, and receiving support not only from the people in my life, but from the spiritual realm as well. 


But it wasn’t until recently, that I began to embrace these gifts and let go of what others would think. Our gifts are meant to help others and heal the planet. Hiding them not only keeps us small, but it denies others the opportunity to heal. 


So, this is my life’s work: to walk alongside you as you journey from feeling broken, hopeless, and lost to empowered, grounded, and excited about your life.

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